Omega believes in investing for the long term.
Our philosophy regarding your investments is the same as our philosophy regarding your insurance, namely the protection of assets. We follow a conservative investment philosophy that emphasizes maintenance of principal and generation of income instead of reliance on growth and speculation.
We maintain regular contact with all of our investors to ensure their wishes and expectations are always clear to us. We do not guarantee that the results will always meet or exceed expectations, but we do guarantee our best efforts to achieve positive results.
If this approach to investing will help you better cope with the volatility in today’s markets, not to mention help you sleep better at night, give us a call.
Omega’s Investing Team
For a consultation, Contact Us.
Omega Financial Corporation dba Omega Financial and Insurance Services is registered to do business with residents of the State of Washington only. Omega Financial Corporation, Inc is a registered investment advisor in the state of Washington.
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